The Blackwood name is synonymous with gospel music. Terry’s father, Doyle, was an original founding member of the Blackwood Brothers Quartet, an amazing, pioneering group. It wasn’t surprising that Terry’s journey would continue to impact gospel music fans for years to come.
After graduating from the University of Memphis, Terry received a call from Jake Hess, who had organized a world-class vocal group called The Imperials. Jake asked Terry if he would be interested in taking his place as lead singer, since his doctor had recommended that he cease traveling due to health issues. This decision to join The Imperials would change his life forever by allowing him to be part of one of the most influential groups of all time.
What a time of excitement it was for them as the popularity of gospel music was growing, and The Imperials were about to have a major impact on what became “Contemporary Christian Music.” They had no idea what was in store for the group, as their journey was just beginning.